Road Sign 
Images in the USA
A slideshow presentation of road sign images.
Warning signs call attention to unexpected conditions and to situations that might not be readily apparent to road users.

Official sources for these images can be found at the Federal Highway Administration's website in their section on Standard Highway Signs. Detailed specifications are also shown within the MUTCD manual. The background color yellow is specified as pantone 116. The fonts used are FHWA Series also known as highway gothic.

"The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or MUTCD defines the standards used by road managers nationwide to install and maintain traffic control devices on all streets and highways."

Disclaimer - This website is not an official source for road sign images. I'm not affiliated with any federal or state agencies and do not warrant that these images are accurate or free of errors.

See more road signs at USA Traffic Signs.

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List of Images Shown

1.   Road Closed
2.   Flash Flood Area
3.   One Lane Bridge
4.   Narrow Bridge
5.   Road Narrows
6.   Road May Fload
7.   Soft Shoulder
8.   DIP
9.   Rocks
10. Bump
11. Bridge Out
12. Road Flooded
13. Street Closed
14. Clearance Warning
15. Advisory Speed Limit
16. Dead End
17. Fog Area
18. No Outlet
19. High Water
20. Low Shoulder
21. Right Lane Ends
22. Lane Ends Merge Left
23. Speed Hump